Mentions légales

Fahrzeugland Südwest GmbH
Kleinfeldele 53
79379 Müllheim
+49 76 31 9 74 74 - 0
HRB 722025
Geschäftsführer: Kevin Hauck, Nico Hauck

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt im Sinne §7 TMG: Kevin Hauck


Diplom-Ökonom Brigitte Batke-Spitzer, M.A.
Anwaltskanzei Batke-Spitzer
Brombergstraße 17c
79102 Freiburg
Telefon (DSB): 0176 40745012

Provider & Internetagentur:, KK Hosting, Rainer Kappus

Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung:

1. Inhalte:
Alle Inhalte wurden sorgfältig von Seiten des Autors auf der Grundlage aktueller Kenntnisse und Grundlagen erstellt. Eine Verantwortung ergibt sich für den Autor nur im Rahmen allgemein gültiger Gesetze. Der Anbieter dieser Webseite ist für fremde Inhalte erst nach Kenntniserlangung einer konkreten Rechtsverletzung verantwortlich.

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4. Datenschutz
hier finden Sie unsere Datenschutzerklärung>>

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1) Contents
All contents have been carefully compiled by author on the basis of current knowledge and fundamentals. A responsibility arises for the author within the framework of generally applicable laws.

2) Links
Contents, to which the author refers to directly or indirectly, through the means of so-called "hyperlinks" are beyond his/her control and responsibility and will not be made our own. All websites have been carefully checked at the time of linking for illegal content. Due to the fact that the author has no influence on the content of linked pages, he distances himself from all content that may have been changed after the link was added and inspected respectively. The author of a particular website, to which a link is provided, is solely liable for contents and damages that may result from the use of linked information. If the author should receive information on contents on linked sites that are illegal, unlawful or incorrect, these references will be deleted.

3) Copyrights:
This site contains data and information of all types, the brands and / or are protected under German copyright. It is therefore not permitted to download the website as a whole or individual parts of it nor to replicate or distribute the site.

4) Privacy Policy:
Data, which is stored in web forms on this webpage is buffered on the author"s archive. This is done purely for the purpose of data processing for corresponding services.

5) Equality
In order to ensure the legibility and comprehension of the texts, usually only one form of gender is used. Unaffected in respect thereof: all information in this website refers to both genders.

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